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Anu Khullar - RE/MAX River City
282 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta
P: 780-439-7000
F: 866-293-5424

Preferred Group with RE/MAX River City - BLOG

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - November 2011 - Preferred Newsletter

How is your Christmas Shopping coming along? Still time to buy a new home for the best present ever! As the end of the year approaches, and winter now fully upon us, families are often spending time together and discussing each others lives. We hope our blog & valuable real estate newsletter give you some information to discuss when conversations turn to housing or the real estate market. We at Preferred Group know those conversations very well, as it's often a hot topic at events and parties. ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:57:34 +0000

Friday, November 11, 2011 - October 2011 - Preferred Newsletter

Ready for winter?Still hard to believe that winter and Christmas are right around the corner with all this beautiful weather we are experiencing. The weather has also helped with the real estate market where usually we see signs of things starting to slow down towards the end of October, the market has been strong with both sellers and buyers taking advantage of the slow start to winter. If you are still toying with the idea of maybe selling or buying this year and taking advantage of the ...

posted in News at Fri, 11 Nov 2011 19:14:08 +0000

Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - New CMHC reports released

A few new reports just released from CMHC on the Edmonton and Alberta real estate markets.  See all our historical reports on our Why Invest in Edmonton page here... 2011 Fall - Edmonton housing outlook report 2011 Q4 - Edmonton housing market will improve in 2012 2011 Nov. - Praire region market overview

posted in News at Wed, 09 Nov 2011 19:37:10 +0000

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - Oct. 2011

Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate Market Update for October 2011  October real estate market slower, but not at all scary  It may not be scary, but you should watch out for it like you do the scare crow on the porch. Interest rates are the largest single variable right now that could have an immediately negative effect on our local real estate market. It?s fairly balanced, and experiencing normal season trends of slow down on sales volume and prices. How does Greece affect Edmonton?s real estate ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 08 Nov 2011 22:54:55 +0000

Monday, October 24, 2011 - Is it time to switch from a variable to a fixed rate mortgage?

Is it time to switch from a variable to a fixed rate mortgage?With rates so low on fixed term mortgages these days, more and more Canadians are asking if it?s time to switch to a fixed term mortgage. Deciding what to do depends on a number of factors, but a good place to start is a closer look at your goals. If you?re trying to save money or lower your payment, a variable interest rate is usually one of the lowest mortgage rates offered. The downside is that in an increasing rate environment, ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 24 Oct 2011 20:04:56 +0000

Friday, October 7, 2011 - September 2011 - Preferred Newsletter

Fall is here, We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the transition of the seasons into fall.  Kids back to school, weather changing, and other seasonal adjustments often bring more conversations back to the kitchen table.  These can often turn to future plans, and ideas for your home.  Feel free to contact us if you have questions about your options for either what renovations are best to add real value, what your home is currently worth, and what options are available to you for new ...

posted in News at Fri, 07 Oct 2011 13:50:09 +0000

Friday, October 7, 2011 - Influx to Alberta from other provinces running at five year high

Influx to Alberta from other provinces running at a five-year highBy Gary Lamphier, Edmonton Journal September 29, 2011  A former media colleague from Vancouver called a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't talked to him in 10 years. After decades on the West Coast, he had just moved to Calgary with his wife and three kids. The reason? Good jobs, lower housing costs and higher disposable incomes. In other words, the same factors that draw many Canadians to Alberta. Sure, he'll miss the ocean, he ...

posted in News at Fri, 07 Oct 2011 13:33:58 +0000

Friday, October 7, 2011 - Alberta economic growth 2nd in Canada says RBC

Alberta economic growth among Canada?s leaders - 3.7% hike forecast for this yearBy Mario Toneguzzi, Calgary Herald September 12, 2011 CALGARY ? Alberta is positioned as one of Canada?s provincial leaders in growth, according to the latest RBC Economics Provincial Outlook report released Monday. The provincial economy is set to grow at a rate of 3.7 per cent in 2011 and 3.9 per cent in 2012, said RBC. Both years Alberta will be second overall in the country behind nation-leading Saskatchewan?s ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 07 Oct 2011 13:32:20 +0000

Thursday, October 6, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - Sept. 2011

  Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate Market Update for September 2011   Buyer's market with positive signs for increased values  With much turmoil in the world economy, and consumer confidence very low in other places, the real estate market in Alberta is exceptionally strong considering all this. Given the issues, and overall impacts of real estate as an average across Canada, Edmonton specifically is leading the way on job growth, income growth, and in migration again in the country. This all ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 06 Oct 2011 20:45:51 +0000

Saturday, August 6, 2011 - July 2011 Preferred Newsletter

Happy Summer, We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the summer. With kids out of school, summer holidays, yard work, and more, it?s often a very busy time. If considering a move this season, contact us to take the stress out of an often stressful time. We are actively looking for new listings, as we've sold almost all of our recent properties for clients and have many buyers looking. Our new format newsletter is filled with valuable information on the Edmonton & area real estate market, ... Full Article...

posted in News at Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:05:06 +0000

Saturday, August 6, 2011 - Province of 3.7M bests nation of 311M on jobs

By Gary Lamphier, July 9, 2011 Just how awful was Friday's bleak U.S. jobs report? Let us count the ways: Alberta created more new jobs in June (22,000) than all 50 U.S. states combined (18,000), even though the U.S. population is 85 times larger than Alberta's; The shockingly weak U.S. jobs tally was more than 80 per cent below the consensus forecast, according to a Bloomberg poll of leading economists, and more than 50 per cent below even the most pessimistic ...

posted in News at Sat, 06 Aug 2011 20:58:42 +0000

Saturday, August 6, 2011 - Glory days return for Alberta jobs

'Glory' days return for Alberta jobsGain of 22,000 in June biggest in five yearsBy Bill Mah, Edmonton Journal With Files From Postmedia News July 9, 2011 Alberta's labour market caught fire in June. The province added a whopping 22,000 jobs in June from the previous month -the largest gain since May 2006 and the second month of growth in a row, according to Statistics Canada figures released Friday. Because 27,600 more people were looking for work -mostly newcomers from other provinces -the ... Full Article...

posted in News at Sat, 06 Aug 2011 20:55:49 +0000

Monday, July 11, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - June 2011

Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate Market Update for June 2011 Inventory high?great selection for buyers, but expect average price drops in fall Edmonton?s market needs to see a list to sales ratio of 65%+ and average inventory below 6,000 to see consistent price increases. Our historical ?boom time? was based on consistently low supply (under 3000 on average), and high demand based on economic factors, low interest rates, and high consumer confidence. The groundwork is laid however, for this to ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:49:53 +0000

Monday, July 11, 2011 - Preferred Newsletter - June 2011

Happy Summer, We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the summer. With kids out of school, summer holidays, yard work, and more, it?s often a very busy time. If considering a move this season, contact us to take the stress out of an often stressful time.Our new format newsletter is filled with valuable information on the Edmonton & area real estate market, home owner tips, and fun for the kids, recipes and more.In this issue: Page 1:- Recipe ? Grilled Chicken Burgers- Credit Update ? ...

posted in News at Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:39:48 +0000

Monday, July 11, 2011 - 13 Free or Cheap Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

13 Free or Cheap Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer by That One Caveman on June 4, 2008 Much to the chagrin of my pregnant wife, I held off on turning on the air conditioner until last night. In the evening it was getting cool enough to open the windows and let Mother Nature cool our house. In the morning, I would close the windows and blinds before I left for work to bank the cold air from the evening. Unfortunately, due the rain we anticipated overnight, I was unable to open the ...

posted in News at Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:13:09 +0000

Monday, July 11, 2011 - Program for first-time buyers on surplus school sites should continue: report

Program for first-time buyers on surplus school sites should continue: reportThursday, June 23, 2011By Gordon Kent, edmontonjournal.comPhotographed by:Walter Tychnowicz, EDMONTON - A controversial program to build homes for first-time buyers on surplus school sites should continue for another decade, says a report released Thursday. The city introduced the plan in 2006 to help people buy homes in Edmonton?s red-hot real-estate market, but ran into heavy criticism from people ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:09:50 +0000

Thursday, June 2, 2011 - Ledcor Alberta launches hiring drive

Tuesday, May 31, 2011By Bill Mah, Bob Walker, vice-president of Ledcor Building division, Northern AlbertaPhotographed by:Brian Gavriloff, EDMONTON - In a sign that labour shortages have returned to Alberta, a major industrial employer launched a hiring campaign Tuesday to attract 9,000 workers in 2011. Ledcor Industries Inc. has already hired 3,800 workers so far this year. The need is so urgent that Ledcor building division vice-president Bob Walker ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 02 Jun 2011 14:15:17 +0000

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - Preferred Newsletter - Part 2 - May 2011

Welcome to spring, finally,We hope this newsletter finds you enjoying the sun in Edmonton, and yard work season. Our new format newsletter is filled with valuable information on the Edmonton & area real estate market, home owner tips, and fun for the kids, recipes and more.In this issue:  Page 1:- Patio design- Preferred Group Team Member Update ? Anu Khullar- For the kids (or young at heart) ? This is a tricky onePage 2: - Summer explorations ? what?s your destination?- In the habit ? stay ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 01 Jun 2011 15:50:10 +0000

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - Preferred Group with RE/MAX River City outperforms the market again in 2010!

Preferred Group outperforms the market in 2010... hire us to on average: Get $11,250 more for your property, Sell in 17 fewer days, and Be 33% more likely to sell. Six times the average experience makes a difference! Not all Realtors are alike, so make sure to talk to us when looking to buy/sell/invest in Edmonton real estate. View our performance summary in PDF here...

posted in News at Wed, 01 Jun 2011 15:12:38 +0000

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - Alberta Oil sands key factor in global pricing, head of Total says

All Canadians should read this article. Shows how significant the Alberta oil sands are to the world.  The impact on Edmonton, Alberta real estate values is inevitable with this type of economic underlying fundamental.  But it doesn't come overnight.  The timing of economic fundamentals like this, was discussed in a previous blog article of ours: Wake up Alberta, frenzy's coming!  Where research by Don R. Campbell of REIN explains what needs to occur in order for pricing appreciation to take ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 01 Jun 2011 15:02:18 +0000

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - Bank of Canada likely to delay rate hike

  RBC ECONOMICS RESEARCH ? DAILY ECONOMIC UPDATE ? May 24, 2011 Global uncertainty and bumpier near-term growth profile for Canada likely to delay timing of BoC rate hikeCanada's economic news has been mixed in recent weeks although it is still consistent with the economy posting a very strong first-quarter 2011 growth. Data released for March indicated that manufacturing, wholesale trade, and housing market activity were solid although the retail sector suffered a disappointing decline in ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 24 May 2011 21:41:37 +0000

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - Oil price drops finally! Great news, $90-100/barrel oil is best for world and Canadian economy.

  Oil price ends its run Claudia Cattaneo May 5, 2011 ? 6:27 PM ET | Last Updated: May 5, 2011 6:28 PM ET CALGARY ? Oil?s big surge has come to an end, as weak economic data and waning concern that Middle East unrest justifies a large risk premium shaved US$9.44 off prices Thursday, sending oil below US$100 a barrel in New York in the biggest fall in two years. Canadian stocks were swept up in the carnage. Energy producers, which had benefited from Middle East woes as investors rushed into ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 10 May 2011 14:47:31 +0000

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - 12.6 of every 100 households in Canada are Millionaires! Canada tops G7 rich list

If you?ve been feeling like a million bucks lately, you might be onto something: Turns out Canada has a higher proportion of millionaire households than any other G7 country. Eric Lam May 6, 2011 ? 6:30 PM ET | Last Updated: May 6, 2011 7:16 PM ET The surprising top-rank is based on a Financial Post analysis of a recent report from the Deloitte Center for Financial Services. Using data from Deloitte, the Post compared the number of households with total assets of at least US$1-million with ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 10 May 2011 14:44:19 +0000

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, & Regina will post noticeably stronger growth than other CDN cities

  News Release 11-121Western Canadian Cities To Lead Economic Growth In 2011 Ottawa, May 5, 2011 ? Four cities located in Saskatchewan and Alberta will occupy the top four spots in the economic growth leader board, according to the Spring 2011 edition of The Conference Board of Canada?s Metropolitan Outlook. ?Buoyed by the resources and energy sectors, the economies of Saskatoon, Calgary, Regina and Edmonton will post noticeably stronger growth than the other cities covered in this report,? ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 10 May 2011 14:39:17 +0000

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - April 2011

  Edmonton, Alberta residential real estate market update - April 2011 Rising inventory means pricing sensitivity & better selection for buyers We should have higher sales volume in April than we did in March. Historically, sales volume grows steadily from January through June, then levels off and starts to fall in September consistently through year end. With the sales to listings ratio dropping in April, our prediction for an early surging spring market in 2011 is seeming to come true. With ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 03 May 2011 19:31:13 +0000

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - Preferred Newsletter - April 2011

Happy Easter,We hope this newsletter finds you relaxed after a great Easter long weekend, filled with family, chocolate, and reflection. Our new format newsletter is filled with valuable information on the Edmonton & area real estate market, home owner tips, and fun for the kids, recipes and more. In this issue:Page 1:- Bathroom tips- Preferred Group Team Member Update ? It?s a girl!- For the kids (or young at heart) ? Which band member doesn?t belong?Page 2:- A home buyers will love ? if ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 28 Apr 2011 21:52:00 +0000

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - Edmonton #9 in big cities quality of life ranking

Edmonton No. 9 in big-city quality of life rankingMagazine?s ?Cities of the Future? list draws on data from 405 cities in North and South AmericaBy Dave Cooper, April 20, 2011 7:00 AM Comments (3) View full article quoted from source here...   EDMONTON - For quality of life, Edmonton is in good company across North and South America, ranking ninth among major cities in a survey published Tuesday by fDi magazine. The Cities of the Future shortlist is based on independent data ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:56:08 +0000

Friday, April 15, 2011 - No work yet in oil patch, but you're hired

NATHAN VANDERKLIPPE - The Globe and Mail   Canada?s oil patch is resorting to increasingly unusual measures to secure workers ahead of a coming labour shortage, with one company hiring engineers before work is available and another resorting to a province-wide electronic blitz. Triple-digit oil prices have fuelled a substantial comeback in Alberta, which has seen its unemployment rate tumble as employers brought back nearly 70,000 jobs over the past year. Propelling the surge is a major ...

posted in News at Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:46:39 +0000

Thursday, April 14, 2011 - Real Estate expert says Edmonton on verge of a boom

A sold sign is shown in front of a home in south Edmonton. The city is on the verge of another real estate boom, says real estate expert Don Campbell.Photograph by: Ed Kaiser, By Bill Mah, April 5, 2011 Comments (32) EDMONTON - Edmonton is on the verge of another real estate boom, says real estate expert Don Campbell. Robust growth in the region?s gross domestic product and labour market will set off a chain of events over the next few months that will ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 14 Apr 2011 20:32:01 +0000

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 - RBC Economics Digest - March 2011

Excellent report from RBC Economics Research on the current and future Canadian economy.  View the report in pdf here... Contents Current trends ? Canadian economy gearsupFinancial markets ? Global economy facingdown risksMacroeconomic forecast ? Settling intothe next phase...Provincial forecast ? Broad-based provincialgrowth on trackHousing markets ? Owning a home becamea little more affordable in Canadaat the end of 2010For other economics reports, go ...

posted in News at Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:46:35 +0000

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 - Canadian household net worth hit a new record high in the fourth quarter of 2010

RBC ECONOMICS RESEARCH ? DAILY ECONOMIC UPDATE ? March 14, 2011 Canadian household net worth hit a new record high in the fourth quarter of 2010The market value of Canadian household net worth increased by 2.2% ($132 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2010 to $6.2 trillion. The gain pushed Canadians? net worth to a new record high, 4.1% above the pre-recession peak seen in the second quarter of 2008 and 14.6% above the recessionary trough seen in the first quarter of 2009.The improvement in ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:33:22 +0000

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - March 2011

  Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate Market update for March 2011  2009 Deja Vu? We do have less external factors influencing the market today than in 2010 at this time, but when we take a look farther back, the current market is very similar to 2009. A balanced market for Edmonton is approximately 5000-6000 listings in the peak July/August period normally. With over 6800 at the beginning of April, we are seeing prices slowly climb (left graph below) through normal spring seasonal amounts as demand ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:16:00 +0000

Friday, April 1, 2011 - March 2011 Preferred Newsletter

Happy April fool?s day, This newsletter is not a joke? it?s all new, true, fun, and filled with valuable information on the Edmonton Real Estate market. It?s here! Our new format newsletter to serve you even better. In this issue:Page 1:- Toasty Toes ? about heated flooring- Preferred Group Team Member Update ? It?s a girl!- For the kids (or young at heart) ? How to draw an OctopusPage 2:- Make your home unfriendly to mould- Tech spring cleaning- Kettle Corn recipe View it here... (1MB ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 01 Apr 2011 21:09:24 +0000

Friday, April 1, 2011 - Alberta Oilpatch faces new labour crunch

Shortage likely to be worse than in last boom, industry group warnsBy Dina O'Meara, Calgary Herald; Postmedia News March 30, 2011 Alberta could see jobs in the oilpatch double over the next decade if commodity prices stay strong, leading to a labour crunch rivalling that of the last boom cycle, according to an industry council. The shortage in skilled workers already is being felt and will continue across the Canadian oilpatch regardless of commodity prices and activity levels in the oil and ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 01 Apr 2011 20:26:56 +0000

Friday, April 1, 2011 - How global turmoil will affect real estate in Canada...and specifically Edmonton, Alberta

How global turmoil will affect real estate in Canada Globe and Mail UpdatePublished Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011 2:13PM EDTLast updated Friday, Mar. 18, 2011 4:44PM EDT From the violent protests in the Middle East and North Africa to the earthquake and unfolding nuclear crisis in Japan, global turmoil is going to "directly affect specific real estate markets across the country," argues real estate expert Don Campbell. "Our country is uniquely positioned to provide the world with the three 'Fs' - ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 01 Apr 2011 20:12:30 +0000

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - RE/MAX still dominant market leader in Edmonton

Preferred Group is proud to be part of the overwhelming market majority in successful Edmonton real estate market share.  Don't trust your property purchase or sale to anyone else, call us first!  780-701-2626 for Anu Khullar & John Carter.

posted in News at Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:25:54 +0000

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - Federal Budget & does it affect Landlords?

CANADIAN FEDERATION OF APARTMENT ASSOCIATIONS (CFAA) ELECTION BULLETINIt now appears certain that a federal election will be called for early May. The 2011 Federal Budget will essentially become much of the Conservative party platform. The proposed Budget contains these key points relevant to many residential landlords:? No roll back of the scheduled corporate tax cuts? $400 million over the next two years for the EcoEnergy Retrofit program, which provides incentives for Canadians to make ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:44:57 +0000

Monday, March 14, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation - February 2011

  Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate Market update for February 2011   Prices falling back to 2009 levels, but trending up in spring. Average prices are falling from the same time a year ago in both condos and houses, but are trending upwards as seasonally expected. There are approximately 1600 condos for sale in Edmonton as of March 14th, and just over 2200 single family (houses) properties. A balanced market for Edmonton is approximately 5000-6000 listings in the peak July/August period normally. ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:44:25 +0000

Monday, March 14, 2011 - RE/MAX Associates Raise $62,487 for Children's Miracle Network at Annual Conference

  RE/MAX Realtors Raise $62,487.00 for Children?s Miracle Network at Annual Conference.  Official Press Release here:  CMN Fundraiser PR 2011 Preferred Group donates a portion of every transaction we do and is proud to be part of the total that won RE/MAX River City the award for "Top Children's Miracle Network Contributor for Northern Alberta."  Making it 4 years out of the last 5 we have won this award.  So happy to help such a great cause. Our Broker - Shami Sandhu in the photo above ...

posted in News at Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:30:44 +0000

Monday, March 14, 2011 - Alberta - Officially the most affordable in Canada!

Feb 2011 Housing Affordability report released by Robert Hogue, Senior Economist for RBC. This study pinpoints cross-country trends in housing affordability in provincial and major metropolitan housing markets. View report here: This report highlights Alberta as the most affordable province in all of Canada.  Home buyers and sellers always need to remember, that average incomes, job stability and growth, supply and demand factors all influence ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:56:33 +0000

Saturday, February 26, 2011 - Oil tops $100... good or bad?

Oil tops $100... This is a double edged sword, but as global energy demand grows, and political turmoil continues, Alberta is becoming THE source for sustainable oil. With higher oil prices come new jobs, salary increases, capital investment, and that leads to a strong real estate market.  Article from here... What does this mean to Alberta and to Edmonton's Real Estate Market?  Don't expect to see immediate impact, even within a year.  The impact of oil is felt over the longer ... Full Article...

posted in News at Sat, 26 Feb 2011 03:33:14 +0000

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - Preferred Market Interpretation

What does 2011 have in store?  Well, we disagree with the Realtors Association of Edmonton on the impact of mortgage rule changes on the market, and add the impact of interest rate increases. There is still an overall oversupply of listings and that combined with slower demand as a result of higher interest rates & less qualifying ability will reduce demand even further. That will drop prices on average in 2011.Home owners need to be aware however, that certain types of properties, in certain ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Feb 2011 17:18:24 +0000

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - February Newsletter

We hope you had a fun Valentine's Day and are enjoying February so far.Attached is the February issue of our Preferred Newsletter, filled with valuable information. We are transitioning to a new and improved newsletter that will launch in March, so stay tuned for this plus more next month.In this issue:Page 1:- Some of our current Residential listings- Referrals - thanks to Randy Bett, Realtor in Calgary- Testimonials - John McTeer- A few of our Preferred Investment property listingsPage 2:- ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Feb 2011 17:12:48 +0000

Saturday, February 12, 2011 - RE/MAX of Western Canada - Barometer Report on Edmonton

Video and report from RE/MAX of Western Canada on Edmonton's real estate market since 2000. 
View the full written report on all major Canadian markets here...


Watch and share videos on other markets in Canada here...

posted in News at Sat, 12 Feb 2011 15:51:59 +0000

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 - CMHC Rental Market Reports

CMHC has released their Fall 2010 market reports. We attach them below and welcome any questions you may have related to your specific property or buying strategy. Feel free to contact John Carter on our team to discuss.CMHC Fall 2010 ? Canadian Highlights ? Rental Market ReportCMHC Fall 2010 ? Rental Market Statistics - Canada & Individual Provinces/CitiesCMHC Fall 2010 ? Edmonton CMA ? Rental Market Report CMHC Jan. 2011 ? Edmonton Multi-Family Market Trends presentation Find these and other ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:45:20 +0000

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - Award winners - Congratulations & Thank You!

Every year brings excitement, change, challenges and rewards.  We are very pleased to acknowledge our team members below for their success and awards of recognition in 2010.  We want to say a big thank you to all our past clients, and supporters who helped make this happen.  Thank you for your continued support in 2011.  Congratulations to Anu Khullar on our team for achieving the following awards in 2010:1. 10 Years of service with RE/MAX2. Volunteer appreciation award from RE/MAX River City3. ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:15:43 +0000

Monday, January 17, 2011 - January Preferred Market Interpretation

As 2010 comes to a close, we can reflect on the predictions we made at the beginning of 2010 and look ahead at what 2011 has in store for us in Edmonton?s real estate market.As above, house prices were down 2.5% at the close of December, and condo prices were down 7.2% year over year. Last January we predicted ?That said I believe our market is poised for a 3-4% overall appreciation in prices with an increase in sales volume over 2009 of anywhere from 4-8%?. Although we were off on the average ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:34:59 +0000

Monday, January 17, 2011 - Mortgage Rule Changes...what do they mean?

A little present from Ottawa this morning. Rumours of a change to amortization came true this morning as the finance department has decided to reduce the amount of amortization that Canadians can have for an insured mortgage. This once again will impact affordability for first time home buyers.  Those buyers who are already pre-qualified and have rate holds will definitely be reduced. They have not set the dates officially but it is expected for this to be in effect March 18, 2011 and the ...

posted in News at Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:32:20 +0000

Friday, January 14, 2011 - January Newsletter

We have attached for you, our January Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....  Page 1:- 2011 housing prices to climb while sales stall - more details on our blog Getting ready for 2011? more details on our blog Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you  Page 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? Single Family and Condo Prices Slightly Lower in DecemberPreferred Market ...

posted in News at Fri, 14 Jan 2011 18:14:29 +0000

Friday, January 14, 2011 - Getting ready for 2011

Financial markets are ready to ring in the New Year after 2010 was plagued with bouts of uncertainty as to whether the recoverywould be sustained. Recently, there were hints of a change in sentiment with investors appearing to have embraced the idea that theglobal economy has built sufficient momentum to withstand the downward pressure emanating from Europe?s sovereign-debt crisis.The global MSCI world stock index was 4.1% higher in November than October, on average, and the buying continued ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 14 Jan 2011 18:12:07 +0000

Friday, January 14, 2011 - 2011 housing prices to climb while sales stall

Gazing into its crystal ball, Re/Max forecasted in a report released Tuesday that housing markets will stabilize in most major Canadian cities and that the value of homes will climb even further in the coming year.Re/Max's housing market outlook for 2011 contains mostly positive predictions but the agency doesn't expect the number of sales to increase, extending a downward trend that emerged in 2010.Canada's housing market is coming off a 12-month period that recorded about 441,000 sales, five ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 14 Jan 2011 18:09:48 +0000

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - Housing prices soften as sales bump up

Edmonton, December 2, 2010: The average price of a single family detached property in the Edmonton area continued to soften in November. According to the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton, at $362,657, the average* SFD price was half a percent lower in November than it was in October. Compared to a year ago the price was down significantly by 2.5%. November condo prices also took one of the biggest drops this year with the average price down 2% to $229,603 month-over-month and just under 3% ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 15 Dec 2010 20:04:42 +0000

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - Control your debt load this holiday

With Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney wagging his finger like a modern-day Scrooge at free-spendin?, debt-accumulatin? Canadians Monday, you might be feeling a little guilty heading to the mall for some extra non-denominational holiday gift-shopping on your work break. Well, guiltier than usual anyway. Luckily Sanjay Thakur with Queensbury Securities Inc., by way of the Chartered Accountants of Ontario, has come to the rescue with some advice for worried Canadian shoppers. First, of course, ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 15 Dec 2010 20:01:14 +0000

Thursday, November 18, 2010 - November Newsletter

We have attached for you, our November Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Fears of a Canadian housing market crash overblown - more details on our blog CYour mortgage could end up working for you? more details at Testimonials and Referrals - Thank youPage 2:- Realtors Association of ...

posted in News at Thu, 18 Nov 2010 17:35:47 +0000

Monday, November 15, 2010 - REIN Top Canadian Investment Cities

REIN announces there "Top Canadian Investment Cities 2010 - 2015. Based on Key Economic Fundamentals".1) Calgary, AB.2. Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, ON3) Edmonton, AB.4) Surrey, BC5) Maple Ridge, BCand 5 more...Visit or contact Preferred Group with RE/MAX River City for more information - 780-701-2626 or email us

posted in News at Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:21:28 +0000

Monday, November 15, 2010 - CMHC Fall 2010 Reports & Preferred Interpretation

Attached are the CMHC Prairies Region Highlights Housing Market Outlook Press Release and Edmonton Housing Market Outlook Press Release for Fall 2010.Some exciting points on Edmonton:1. New housing construction market is healthy and recovering with a 54% increase over 2009 levels. While not creating over-supply to compete in resale markets and pushes prices down2. Average prices for new home construction dropped 11% from 2009 to 2010 forecasted year ending estimates.2. Meanwhile, average house ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:19:06 +0000

Thursday, November 4, 2010 - Fears of a Canadian housing market crash overblown

Fears of a Canadian housing market crash overblown You may have noticed a lot of stories in the press recently about a significant risk of a collapse in housing values. These concerns are based on the belief that the increase in house prices we?ve seen in the past several years have created a housing bubble. To better understand current housing market trends, we have looked back at the level of housing affordability that prevailed in the late 1980?s and early 1990 when a real estate bubble ...

posted in News at Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:48:29 +0000

Thursday, November 4, 2010 - Your mortgage could end up working for you

It's hard to imagine, but there was a time when the mortgage on your home was something a buyer wanted to take off your hands. But who can remember the 1980s and double-digit inflation, when a single-digit mortgage rate was gold? I was just a teenager then and the mortgage was my father's problem. But could a rising rate environment, if that actually happens, make the mortgages we are locking into today valuable in the future? A survey released by Toronto-Dominion Bank this past week found 60% ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:46:05 +0000

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - October Newsletter

We have attached for you, our October Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Sales Activity Picks Up - more details on our blog Stressing Out Over Money ? Til Debt do U$ Part, more details on our blog Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Scott Forest & Crystal Kadach for referring Francois and KristiPage 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? Lack of consumer ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:34:18 +0000

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - Sales Activity Up

Housing activity picks up in AugustWednesday, September 15, 2010Tavia GrantNational resale housing activity picked up in August, the first increase in nearly half a year, while monthly prices fell.Home sales rose 4.1 per cent from the previous month on a seasonally-adjusted basis, the Canadian Real Estate Association said Wednesday. Resale prices fell in the month, to $324,928 in August from $330,351 in July, and are little changed from last year.The report comes as several measures of the ...

posted in News at Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:31:42 +0000

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 - Stressing Out Over Money

Posted by Gail | Filed under Life Lessons If there?s one thing I can guarantee it is that if you pick up the reins of your financial life you?ll feel less stress. People are always stopping me to tell me just how fabulous they feel now that they?re doing something instead of twisting in the wind. So if you?re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of your money problems, then maybe today?s the day you do something different. If you?ve got a whack of debt ? and our debt levels are rising ...

posted in News at Wed, 06 Oct 2010 22:39:20 +0000

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - September Newsletter

We have attached for you, our September Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Alberta Prime Time Special - more details on our blog 10 ways to build your credit ? Til Debt do U$ Part more details on our blog Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Christine Yetman for referring Ron PaulonPage 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? August housing market quiets- ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:52:10 +0000

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 10 Ways to Build Your Credit

Well this is a terrific article about building credit that I wish I had written! Gail Vaz-Oxlade from Til Debt Do U$ Part fame wrote it, however, and I guess seeing as she?s an expert with her own TV show an? all, I?m OK with deferring to her on this one. Actually, there is some terrific advice here for everyone, not just for those who are building credit but for those maintaining their good credit status aswell. I would only add the following insights gleaned from being in the trenches each ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:51:44 +0000

Thursday, September 2, 2010 - Is There A Housing Bubble In Alberta?

?An accident waiting to happen,? that is what the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling the housing markets in Canada?s biggest cities - including Edmonton and Calgary. The reports says housing prices are out of historic comfort levels and predicts that the bubble will burst, causing prices to drop, in a worst case scenario by nearly 40%. How realistic is this housing bubble? Could prices fall that far in our province and do Albertans need to worry about protecting their ...

posted in News at Thu, 02 Sep 2010 16:26:13 +0000

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - August Newsletter

We have attached for you, our July Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Keeping today?s market in perspective - more details on our blog Current mortgage rates ? TD Canada Trust- Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Scott and Crystal for referring Francois and KristiPage 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? Housing Prices cooled- Preferred Market Interpretation ? Inventory is ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 19 Aug 2010 22:48:33 +0000

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - August Preferred Market Interpretation

Inventory is getting back to normal... Listing inventory is balancing out in just the last month. From a scary high level of around 8000 listings, we are around 5500 active listings in mid August. This was driven from below average new listings hitting the market last month as many sellers held off due to the overall oversupply in the market, and other inventory selling.What is still selling? Three bedroom and larger homes under $375,000, and min. three bedroom townhouses under $225,000 are ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 19 Aug 2010 22:11:37 +0000

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - Real Estate and Mortgage Market Favour Buyers

It seems as though many Albertans are hesitant about the housing market at the moment. We?ve heard anecdotes of people holding off on their decision to buy because they expect the housing market to soften further. That may happen, but realistically, the second half of 2010 seems to be a great opportunity for buyers. Don?t believe me? Compare today?s market to the previous peaks in 2006 and 2007: Mortgage interest rates are substantially lower now than they were in 2006 and 2007Home prices are ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 04 Aug 2010 20:17:41 +0000

Friday, July 16, 2010 - July Newsletter

We have attached for you, our July Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Port your mortgage when you sell - more details at Current mortgage rates ? TD Canada Trust- Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Kyle JeskePage 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? summer trends- Preferred Market Interpretation ? It will be a slower summer and fall this yearPage 3:- Commercial Snapshot ? ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 16 Jul 2010 16:50:10 +0000

Friday, July 16, 2010 - Port your mortgage when you sell

It's the day and age where a fair number people don't stay in their homes for more than a couple years, whether it be because they're starting a family or moving up the property ladder. These homeowners find that they're moving before their existing mortgage term is up. Luckily, lenders now offer portability options for their mortgages, meaning if you decide to move, you can bring your mortgage with you.When you port your mortgage, and will need a larger mortgage than you currently have (which ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 16 Jul 2010 16:20:30 +0000

Friday, June 25, 2010 - Alberta Oil Sands Featured on 60 Minutes

A reminder of the intrinsic value and potential of Alberta's growth and economy over the coming decade...sometimes we forget when we live here. This growth influences real estate prices favourably with income growth, population growth, and job growth. Watch the 6 min video on youtube here: YOUTUBE

posted in News at Fri, 25 Jun 2010 00:18:09 +0000

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - June Preferred Market Interpretation

We wish we were wrong? we predicted an early peaking sales year in previous newsletters this year. And although it?s nice to be able to provide an accurate prediction for our clients to make decisions based on, it is also not great news for the Edmonton Real Estate market overall. That said, houses under $400,000 and 2 bedroom condos or 3 bedroom townhouses under $250,000 are still selling strong. There is a significant variance in the market of properties selling well with high demand, and ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:34:05 +0000

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - June Newsletter

We have attached for you, our June Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer.... Page 1:- Edmonton's LTR Expansion update - Visit Tips for Renovating your home in our market today - more details on our blog  - Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Leah Hunt & Paul Brown Page 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? Housing Market has relaxed in May- Preferred Market ...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:31:55 +0000

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - Perform regular maintenance on your home, or renovate your home

Perform regular maintenance on your home, or renovate your homeWhile this strategy may not save you money mortgage-wise, it will allow you to bring more value to your home and possibly garner you a large(r) profit if/when you decide to sell. Ensuring that you complete regular maintenance on your home (such as cleaning your furnace and making sure your drains are unplugged) will keep it from falling into disrepair, and will preserve its value. Not only that, but regular maintenance can save you ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:27:02 +0000

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - Preferred Market Interpretation - May

Excerpt from our monthly Preferred Newsletter: 2010 continues strong... But the overall impact of mortgage rate increases and rule changes have not been felt yet. The overall listing inventory, and lower list to sold ratio is an indicator of a slow down, and return to a heavy buyerâ??s market. Edmonton should have approximately 5000-5500 properties active on the market during summer for a balanced market, and we have over 8000! That said, the demand for homes under $400,000 and condos under ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 19 May 2010 22:37:11 +0000

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - May Newsletter

We have attached for you, our May Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer.... Page 1:- Arena Development in Edmonton update.  Visit Current Mortgage Rates from TD Canada Trust- Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Scott Hughes, fellow Commercial Realtor Page 2:- Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report ? Mortgage changes do not dramatically affect housing market- Preferred Market Interpretation ? ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 19 May 2010 17:52:39 +0000

Thursday, March 18, 2010 - March Newsletter

We have attached for you, our March Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer....Page 1:- Mortgage Rules Changing ? April 10th- RE/MAX at the Olympics ? See the video on our blog- Testimonials and Referrals - Thank you to Steven WoodburnPage 2:- Realtors Assocation of Edmonton Market Report ? Stability through Feb.- Preferred Market Interpretation ? Expect an ?overheated? springPage 3:- Commercial Snapshot - 17 Townhouses in Swan Hills, ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 18 Mar 2010 18:39:40 +0000

Friday, March 5, 2010 - Why you should NOT get mortgage insurance...get life insurance instead

Great video on why NOT to get mortgage insurance when you get a new mortgage.  Get life insurance instead.  Contact us anytime if you have questions about details like this, and keep us in mind for your friends to refer to us too.

Click here to watch the video - - Marketplace - In Denial

posted in News at Fri, 05 Mar 2010 23:51:56 +0000

Thursday, March 4, 2010 - February Newsletter

We have attached for you, our February Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information.  Here is a summary on what we have to offer.... Page 1:- Home Buyers Seminar- by the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton- River City Awards Breakfast - Go Preferred Go!- Testimonials and Referrals- Thank you to Randy and Linda Carter Page 2:- Realtors Assocation of Edmonton Market Report -Strong start to 2010- Preferred Market Interpretation- Still showing balance Page 3:- Commercial Snapshot - 17 ...

posted in News at Thu, 04 Mar 2010 00:26:00 +0000

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - Mortgage rules have changed

Mortgage rules have changed. This will limit some buyers that were pushing their budgets banking on low interest rates...but shouldn't have a large affect on our educated clients with our professional advice.  These rules take effect as of April 10, 2010.  So if you're on the fence about buying a new home or refinancing...DO IT NOW!!

See the Video on CTV news here...

Here is the Government of Canada's official release as here

posted in News at Wed, 17 Feb 2010 03:15:58 +0000

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - RE/MAX River City Awards Breakfast

RE/MAX River City hosts an Awards Breakfast once a year to congratulate the hard working Realtors in this office for their exceptional work within the City of Edmonton and surrounding area. The Preferred Real Estate Group was also present and received awards for "Top 25 Excellence" and "Top 3 Commercial Transactions".  We are proud to be a part of such a great core group of Realtors and are thrilled to be acknowledged for what we enjoy doing on a daily basis. Thank you to our Clients for allowing us the privilege of working with each and every one of you!

Photo of Shami Sandhu (left) Broker of RE/MAX River City providing John Carter (right) with an Award for Top 3 Commercial Transactions.

posted in News at Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:16:32 +0000

Thursday, January 21, 2010 - January Newsletter

Check out our January Preferred Newsletter filled with valuable information. Here is a summary on what we have to offer?  Page 1: CMHC Rental Report? vacancy up, and rents down since Oct 08. Plus John Carter?s interview on CBC Radio One. Testimonials and Referrals? Thanks to Amanda Daub Page 2: Realtors Association of Edmonton Market Report? 2009 in review. ?Cautious Optimism? for 2010. Preferred Market Interpretation ? balance market finally, act normally. Page 3: Commercial Snapshot? 17 ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:10:45 +0000

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - CMHC Rental Market Report - Edmonton CMA

Highlights from CMHC Report - Fall 2009   - The apartment vacancy rate across the Edmonton Census MetropolitanArea (CMA) increased to 4.5 per cent in October 2009 from 2.4 per cent inOctober 2008.    - The average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment in new and existingstructures in the Edmonton CMA was $1,015 this October, down from$1,034 in October 2008.    - In rental structures common to both surveys, the year-over-year change inthe average rent for a two-bedroom apartment unit this ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 13 Jan 2010 21:01:22 +0000

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - RE/MAX Commercial Market Insight - USA

The New RE/MAX Market Insights newsletter is produced in conjunction with the Real Estate Research Corporation and the CCIM Institute. This new quarterly newsletter includes detailed, professional analysis of the U.S. commercial market, focusing on 12-month trailing and quarterly volume, price, cap rates and other trends in the office, industrial, apartment and retail sectors.Click here to view this newsletter in full detail...

posted in News at Wed, 13 Jan 2010 20:49:38 +0000

Friday, January 8, 2010 - RE/MAX Housing Market Outlook 2010

Edmonton?s healthy residential housing market was the first to emerge from the depths of the recession, with sales surpassing year-to-date figures for 2008 in June 2009. Low interest rates, greater affordability, and pent-up demand were behind the push for real estate early in the year, as consumer confidence levels slowly escalated. First-time buyers snapped up entrylevel product at significant cost savings. By October, momentum had reached the top-end of the market, with sales over $750,000 ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:51:03 +0000

Monday, December 7, 2009 - December Christmas Letter

It?s December already! An entire year has passed and so quickly. We would like to take this time to say thank you to our clients, friends and family for your support throughout this year.  We appreciate you and your referrals. Happy Holidays to all of you! Click here to view our Christmas Letter...

posted in News at Mon, 07 Dec 2009 21:59:02 +0000

Monday, November 16, 2009 - November Newsletter

Our November Preferred Group Newsletter is here with valuable information on the Edmonton Real Estate market, value added coupon, community information and great property deals. Feel free to contact us if you have any Real Estate questions, and feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might be interested.Click here to view the November Newsletter....

posted in News at Mon, 16 Nov 2009 21:12:54 +0000

Monday, November 9, 2009 - Fall 2009 - CMHC Edmonton Market Outlook

The latest from CMHC on Edmonton's overall housing market. Valuable information on new construction, rental vacancy rates, resale home values and inventory and much more. Feel free to contact us with any questions on any of this, or if you'd like specific information on your property or area.Fall 2009 - CMHC Edmonton Housing Market Outlook

posted in News at Mon, 09 Nov 2009 18:10:45 +0000

Monday, November 2, 2009 - Making Sense of Mortgage Rates in Today's Economy

Many prospective homebuyers are wondering what has happened to mortgage rates in 2009, and where they may go from here. RBC Economics Research recently updated its? outlook, and here is what the group has to report.Since hitting a low in January of 2009, longer-term interest rates have trended higher with the move accelerating in July. The prospect that the worst is over for the global economy is giving investors the confidence to venture out of low-return fixed income securities and seek ...

posted in News at Mon, 02 Nov 2009 22:54:45 +0000

Monday, October 19, 2009 - October Newsletter

IT?S HERE!! Our October Newsletter, just arrived - packed with great information on the Edmonton Real Estate Market, most recent stats from the Edmonton Real Estate Board, a coupon from our list of incredible Service Providers, monthly quote, new featured listings, Commercial outlook and so much more! Get down and get personal with the Preferred Real Estate Group as we let you in on our office and what we have in store. It doesn?t stop here, our service is multi-functional, if you would like ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 19 Oct 2009 20:30:14 +0000

Monday, October 19, 2009 - Are You Fit To Sell

As home sellers across the country adjust to new market realities, RE/MAX is set to launch Fit to Sell, an innovative new program designed to secure home equity in uncertain times. This program encourages existing home owners to increase their stake in home-selling process working with their Real Estate Professionals to bring their home to the market. Fit to Sell ultimately rewards their participation by maximizing sale price and minimizing on-market time. Coming soon to HGTV! Click here for ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:34:13 +0000

Thursday, September 17, 2009 - September Newsletter

IT?S HERE!! Our September Newsletter, just arrived - packed with great information on the Edmonton Real Estate Market, most recent stats from the Edmonton Real Estate Board, a coupon from our list of incredible Service Providers, monthly quote, new featured listings, Commercial outlook and so much more! Get down and get personal with the Preferred Real Estate Group as we let you in on our office and what we have in store. It doesn?t stop here, our service is multi-functional, if you would like ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:17:45 +0000

Thursday, September 3, 2009 - OECD Says Recession 'Near Bottom'

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says the world economy is near the bottom of the worst recession in post-war history.  The body that represents the 30 most industrialized nations said that those economies would shrink 4.1% this year.  But it adds that recovery is likely to be "weak and fragile" for some time.The UK is in a "sharp recession", it says, with output set to decine by 4.3% in 2009, worse than it?s previous forecast of 3.7% fall.  The OECD predicts zero ...

posted in News at Thu, 03 Sep 2009 17:06:07 +0000

Monday, August 17, 2009 - RECA update

The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is an independent, non-government agency, responsible for regulating industry professionals in the real estate, mortgage broker, and real estate appraisal industries under Alberta?s Real Estate Act.From our August newsletter excerpt, you can find out more below:RECA consumer tools...

posted in News at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:06:56 +0000

Monday, August 17, 2009 - August Newsletter

It?s arrived and here to drive you wild with anticipation...our AUGUST NEWSLETTER! Each and every newsletter is packed full of helpful newsworthy tips on Real Estate and great property deals. We have also added a community coupon benefiting you as an investor, a buyer, a seller and just your average "coupon-saving-clipper". As well, we?ve added a quote and update on the Stollery Children?s Hospital who we are very involved with wholeheartedly for all the "softies" on our list.  Last, but not ... Full Article...

posted in News at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:41:14 +0000

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - July Newsletter

Please view our July Preferred Group Newsletter with valuable information on the Edmonton Real Estate market, value added coupon, community information and great property deals. Feel free to contact us if you have any Real Estate questions, and feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might be interested.View the July Newsletter here....

posted in News at Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:01:25 +0000

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - Investing vs. Speculating - by Don R. Campbell

Just like the stock market, not all towns see real estate values increase in a booming market and many actually under-perform.  Your job as an investor is to pick areas providing the best returns for the lowest risk. There is a simple and easy strategy for doing this: Focus on the fundamentals, not emotions.Successful real estate investing is all about identifying a town or neighbourhood that has a future, not a past.  Sadly, many investors like to invest based on past performance so they?re ... Full Article...

posted in News at Tue, 21 Jul 2009 21:08:41 +0000

Friday, June 19, 2009 - June Newsletter

IT?S HERE!! Our June Newsletter, just arrived - packed with great information on the Edmonton Real Estate Market, most recent stats from the Edmonton Real Estate Board, a coupon from our list of incredible Service Providers, monthly quote, new featured listings, Commercial outlook and so much more! Get down and get personal with the Preferred Real Estate Group as we let you in on our office and what we have in store.  It doesn?t stop here, our service is multi-functional, if you would like even ... Full Article...

posted in News at Fri, 19 Jun 2009 21:50:23 +0000

Thursday, June 11, 2009 - CMHC Press Releases

CMHC?s recent press release reports.  Very valuable information for home owners and investors, download each report below.***** CMHC Alberta Economic & Housing Market Outlook - May 28 2009 *****CMHC Alberta Rental Market Report - Spring 2009CMHC Housing Starts - June 2009

posted in News at Thu, 11 Jun 2009 17:56:49 +0000

Thursday, May 28, 2009 - May Newsletter

Our May Preferred Group Newsletter has arrived with valuable information on the Edmonton Real Estate market, value added coupon, community information and great property deals. Feel free to contact us if you have any Real Estate questions, and feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might be interested. Click here to view our May Newsletter...NOTE: Added to our usual Monthly Newsletter is an invitation to our Preferred Seminar (located on the 4th page). Details for our upcoming Seminar ... Full Article...

posted in News at Thu, 28 May 2009 22:09:30 +0000

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - Canada's Recession History

Canada survived at least three major recessions and a depression in the last century. It?s interesting to compare those times with what we?re going through now. In many cases, the downward spiral followed a time of great prosperity and consumer confidence ? just like today.1904-1914: The early 1900s saw a strong economic boom, with an intense wave of speculation in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Interest rates were high but widely fluctuating. But in 1907, after a major meltdown on the ... Full Article...

posted in News at Wed, 13 May 2009 22:49:11 +0000

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Data last Updated: 2025-02-18 at 21:25:50 GMT America/Edmonton
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